
places where God's Word has touched my life and left it's impression

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

provided for

"So Abraham clled that place The LORD will Provide.
And to this day it is said,
'On the mountain of the LORD it will be provided.'"
Genesis 22:14
I was reading this whole story of Abraham testing last night, and the whole thing just struck me so very powerfully. The first way was in reading this and seeing just how closely it foreshadows God's one day providing his only Son as the sacrifice for our sins. And just how prophetic it was that the people said "on the mountain of the LORD it will be provided." It just shows how very intricately God has woven all of history together.
The other thing that really struck me was in Abraham's needing to let go in trust. Abraham needed to be willing to let go of this son that God had promised to him and given to him.... "your only son, Isaac, whom you love". And I wonder if there are things that I am clinging to too tightly, when God may be leading me away from them. Am I trusting in these things rather than on God? I need to learn to be willing to let go as well..... trusting that "on the mountain of the LORD it will be provided."